Kerrygold butter | grass-fed butter

Grass-Fed Butter: It’s Worth The Cost

When I started Keto back in 2017 one of the first things I changed was the fats I used in cooking. I couldn’t use seed oils anymore because it increases inflammation in our bodies. That led me to searching for better fats to use, which led me to grass-fed butter. Although this butter is more expensive it’s so much better for our bodies, which is why it’s worth the cost.

Grass-Fed Butter: Which Ones I Use

Many people love Kerrygold butter, and I will use it when I can get it on sale. However, I don’t have a particular brand I stick with as I found other grass-fed butter brands.

While shopping at Publix one day I came across Truly. Due to its sale price I bought it. It has a great taste like Kerrygold, and I couldn’t tell a difference between the two when I cooked or baked with it.

I’ve also tried the grass-fed butter available from Aldi, which is cheaper than other brands. Word on the street is that Kerrygold makes this butter for Aldi. Whatever the case, I can’t tell a difference in taste or texture between this butter with the other brands.

Now these aren’t the only brands out there. You can find many others in grocery stores around the United States, and you can find them locally from farmers or local food shops. If you go with the local option you will probably get a better deal as you can probably buy larger quantities than you could in the store.

Why I Won’t Use “Regular” Butter

The main reason I won’t use regular butter again is the ingredients. Most of these brands use natural flavors, which aren’t natural. Butter is cream and sometimes salt (I prefer unsalted butter). There’s no need to add natural flavors. The actual flavor of it should come from the cow’s milk.

The other reason I won’t use this type of butter anymore is that it doesn’t have a good flavor. After eating grass-fed butter for years now when I eat “regular” butter it tastes plain. Yep, I’m a butter snob now.