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Let’s All Meat Is Done

You are reading this blog post instead of visiting Let’s All Meat because the store is done. I, Brittany Gates, the creator and owner of the store started winding down operations in October 2023. The website you’re currently on is the one dedicated to my work at a data center technician and a creative writer.

Let’s All Meat Is Done: What Happened?

Basically the business never took off no matter the different marketing avenues I tried, along with reducing prices. In the end, the reason why I closed the store because my idea was too niche. This idea came to me in mid-2020 when I came up with the phrase “Steak Fixes Everything.” I loved the way it sounded and I wrote it down so I wouldn’t forget it. From there I had the idea to put it on a t-shirt, but I didn’t know how. That lead me to researching how to print my own t-shirts, which then lead me down turning this into a business. That’s how Let’s All Meat was born.

Am I sad my idea didn’t work out? Not really. Businesses either work or don’t work. Some ideas sound good on paper, but upon execution don’t work out. That’s what happened with Let’s All Meat. It’s better to stop when efforts to improve the business doesn’t work out. Because that means there isn’t a large enough market to make the business work.

What Will Happen With My Designs?

I will keep them because I do enjoy them. Maybe I will print off a few shirts or stickers for my personal use. I’m not too sure. However, I’m not going to permanently delete them.

I had fun running this business, and I learned quite a bit. Enough to make my next adventure into self-employment successful.

How To Get In Contact If You Have Any Questions?

If you need to get in contact with me the business’ email is still active: support@letsallmeat.com. I will keep the domain too. However, other parts of the business will fully shut down either late November or early December.

Where Are The Blog Posts? I Came Here To Read Them!

I transferred over the popular blog posts onto my website. You can click the link to read them below:

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